
Ensure you have your LDS Account handy when using the Church Resources.

General Overview
Church Resources
About the Calling (Videos)
Stake Resources
Team Organization
Building Technology Checklist
Online Resources
Church Resources
Meetinghouse Technology Page (mhtech.lds.org)
Church Network Manager (cnm.churchofjesuschrist.org)
LDS Tech Forums (tech.churchofjesuschrist.org)
LDS Tech Wiki (tech.churchofjesuschrist.org)
Church Directory of Leaders (cdol.churchofjesuschrist.org)
Global Service Center (GSC)

Church Printer/Copier program
(Clerks need to set up Staples E-way first)

Your stake leaders are your first source of direction for your calling. Other stake members may also be resources to you. Specifically, the Sunday School presidency and building and ward librarians have responsibility for training teachers in the use of technology, and should work closely with you.

Action: Become acquainted with these leaders and members, and begin a dialog on how you can assist each other with technology needs.

Tools and Processes
Support Procedure
  1. Start with mhtech.churchofjesuschrist.org
  2. If needed, use peer-based resources - STS's, Forums
  3. Seek assistance from FM Group or vendors
  4. Request help from GSC
Stake Resources
Inventory Template
Documentation Template
Stake Expense Reimbursement
Family History Hardware and Software Order Form